Friday, January 2, 2015

Facts about Your Favorite Oyster

Oysters are regarded as one of the sea’s best gift to humanity. They can be cooked in multiple ways and however that is, they’ll surely give you a gratifying gustatory experience. Below are some interesting facts about this delicacy.
Yes, they are aphrodisiacs.
Oysters contain zinc, which aids in testosterone reproduction and, therefore, a key mineral for men’s sexual health. Researchers also discovered that oysters are also rich in amino acids that aids production of sex hormones in high levels.

Good for the heart
Oysters are high in magnesium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids, making you less prone to stroke, heart attack and low blood pressure.
Farmed oysters are the good guys.
Oysters in offshore farms help enhance the quality of oceans and bays because they filter feed-on matters that might contaminate waterways.
The “R” month myth.
According to the myth, it is best to buy and consume oysters during the “R” months (those with the letters R in them). R-less months (May through August) must be avoided because the warm weather makes oysters unsafe for consumption. Considering that this was only true during the time when modern refrigerators were not yet invented, this myth is now busted.
Oyster for healthy gardens

Calcium in oyster shells benefits your garden soil by balancing its pH. It also makes plants sturdier by fortifying its cell wall. Grind the shells before adding it to your compost. You may also just buy ground oyster shell lime from a local garden store. 

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