Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Three of the Healthiest Fish Options

Most people know that eating fish is good for the heart. That’s because fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids—compounds that are essential to health but are not made by the body. But are some fish healthier to eat than others? If so, which ones are they? To help you with your food choices at your favorite seafood restaurant, below is a list of some of the healthiest fish to check out:


When it comes to fish that contains the highest amount of omega-3s, fresh salmon is high up there. In addition, salmon is known to have the lowest mercury content of any fish in the sea, further adding to its multitude of benefits. 

Sardines and Anchovies

Like many people, you probably dislike eating sardines and anchovies because of their strong, unusual smell. However, once you become used to their smell and taste, you will probably love them; besides, like salmon, these two fish types are two of your healthiest options. So the next time you eat out, order that pizza with anchovies on top, or try that salad of leafy greens that come tossed with sardines.


Yes, canned tuna is pretty common and you can easily purchase them from the nearest grocery; however, nothing beats fresh, so be sure to order your tuna fish fresh from the restaurant from time to time.

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